Instructor of the Week with Pietro Ranieri

Pietro Ranieri

November 30, 2017

Congratulations to PhD Candidate Pietro Ranieri, our newest Instructor of the Week! Pietro is currently a TA in Thermodynamic Analysis I (MEM 310) and Introduction to Nuclear Engineering (MEM 371). Pietro is studying engineering because “every science wants something to apply it to, you need ways to develop the tech to apply it and so that’s why I study engineering. To try and bridge those two and create solutions”. Pietro looks to Neil deGrasse Tyson for inspiration in life,  and lives by a quote from his advisor “do it as if it was supposed to be done yesterday”. If Pietro had to study something besides engineering he would chose music “because it’s not that different from engineering. Through music you are able to inspire moods in people. There's something behind the instruments and notes chosen to create details in that sound that is similar to engineering”. Congrats again to Pietro for being chosen as Instructor of the Week. We wish you the best of luck as you continue the path to a PhD.